Woman sees image of Jesus on her iron

A Massachusetts woman who recently separated from her husband and had her hours cut at work says an image of Jesus Christ she sees on her iron has reassured her that "life is going to be good."

Mary Jo Coady first noticed the image Sunday when she walked into her daughter's room.

The brownish residue on the bottom of the iron looks like the face of a man with long hair.

The 44-year-old Coady was raised Catholic. She and her two college-age daughters agree that the image looks like Jesus and is proof that "he's listening."

Coady tells The Eagle-Tribune she hopes her story will inspire others during the holidays. She says she plans to keep the iron in a closet and buy a new one.


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Praya, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia
AKU tu orangnya gemana ya???? ga bisa ngenilai diri sendiri nieh, aku bilang ini, eh temen bilang itu, tapi aku tu ngerasa kalo aku oarangnya suka fun, bertengkar ga banget deh malleeeezzzzzz, suka dengerin music rnb and clubbing ria di kamar, suka banget nonton tv apalagi acra luar negeri ga ngebosenin.... aku tu ngarepin kalian pada nge follow aku .aku ku pengen banget punya temen yang banyak sekian about me,,, makanya jadi temen aku aja biar aku bisa cerita lebih panjang lebar lagi sapa ku ini..

Plurk On Me.,,.